The Incal
The Incal is a French graphic novel series written by Alejandro Jodorowsky and originally illustrated by Jean Giraud (Moebius).
It is an epic space opera blending fantastical intergalactic voyage, science, technology, political intrigues, conspiracies, messianism, mysticism, poetry, debauchery, love stories, and satire.The Incal includes and expands the concepts and artwork from the abandoned film project Dune directed by Jodorowksy and designed by Giraud from the early 1970s.
Further stories
It is an epic space opera blending fantastical intergalactic voyage, science, technology, political intrigues, conspiracies, messianism, mysticism, poetry, debauchery, love stories, and satire.The Incal includes and expands the concepts and artwork from the abandoned film project Dune directed by Jodorowksy and designed by Giraud from the early 1970s.
In this edition: The Incal, volume 1: The Black Incal volume 2: The Luminous Incal volume 3: What Lies Beneath volume 4: What is Above volume 5: The Fifth Essence part One: The Dreaming Galaxy volume 6: The Fifth Essence part Two: Planet Difool This updated edition includes the extra story "In the Heart of the Impregnable Metabunker".
Further stories
The Metabaron 1-6 (2016-2018)
The Metabarons 1-8 (2011)
The Weapons of the Metabaron (2012)
The Metabaron Genesis - Castaka
The Metabarons 1-8 (2011)
The Weapons of the Metabaron (2012)
The Metabaron Genesis - Castaka